Monday, June 8, 2009

Meet the hosts!

Namesake: Chambered Nautilus
Scientific interest: Biology
Scientific hatred: Physics
Hero: Marie Curie
Superpower: Is always right.
- Biologist by training who likes exercise the other side of her brain by studying classic literature and playing various musical instruments
- Knows the words to virtually any song you could possibly hum
- Has an unfounded loathing of socks
- Thinks jelly belly jellybeans are the best candy ever invented

Mr. Cuttles-
Namesake: Cuttlefish
Scientific interest: Physics
Scientific hatred: Biology
Hero: Carl Friedrich Gauss
Superpower: Knows everything
- Actually a mathematician and computer geek by training, but has a fairly decent background in physics as well, particularly astronomy.
- Often refers to wikipedia as "god," as it is both omnipotent and omnipresent.
- Thinks that people who believe in telekinesis are weird.
- Will shout "PUTIN!" when asked a trivia question for which he doesn't know the answer

Friday, June 5, 2009

In production

CephaloPod is a weekly podcast dealing with science, logic, and skepticism.  We're currently in production, and the first episode will most likely be a test run that won't air, so expect the first show to be sometime in early July.

This podcast is intended to be as politically and religiously neutral as possible, but may touch upon either of these topics where they intersect with science.  We also intend to keep this podcast clean, but topics involving sex may come up in science.

Here's the current rundown of the segments that we'll most likely include:
-  Science stories from the week, plus commentary.  We'll be shooting for about 2 stories each week
-  Bad science or pseudoscience in the news
-  Scientist of the week (historical or modern, with a brief explanation on why they're cooler than you)
-  A brief Onion-esqe story that will report on the happenings of a world where pseudoscience is actually real.
-  Emails (starting whenever we get them)

Also, a shout-out to Rob for letting us use the absolutely amazing picture of a Pharaoh Cuttlefish as our logo. You can visit his photo album here.  I highly encourage everybody to check this guy's page out; all of his images are equally as stunning.

The hosts of CephaloPod can be contacted at