Sunday, August 30, 2009

Diving Bell Spider

Wait, what's this? A new show?! Yay, we're still alive!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So much for that idea..

Nauty and I did a recording the other day over my computer's built-in microphone, but the recording was just too hard to hear in some portions (too much noise). And now that my wisdom teeth are out, it'll be a few days before I can talk clearly. We'll be back up and running, I promise! Just not for a few more days. :(

We went to the Aquarium last weekend, so we have a few new ideas for the Sea Thing of the Week. There's also a certain sea creature that's been making lots of headlines lately that we may address. So look forward to that in the coming weeks.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A lull in releases

Nauty and I haven't been able to find good timing to record recently, so that's where the lack of episodes is coming from. We might try recording this weekend, but it'll have to be over the crappy-recording device. We'll see.

In the meantime, here's an awesome article you can show to all of your endtime-preaching friends. It involves creating black holes by using SQUIDs. What more could you want?! Here it is!

Monday, August 10, 2009

New episode!

The latest episode has just been posted. Take a listen!

I'll have a lot of spare time with nothing else to do tomorrow, so expect to see the Sea Thing of the Week up tomorrow evening. Because I know that they're hundreds of people waiting intently for the next episode to come out. :/

Also, a reminder... please send an email to to tell us what you think of the show! Criticism is encouraged... we want to make the show even better, but it's hard to do it without any feedback. Fan mail is appreciated too, of course. But most importantly, I just want to know if there's anybody out there!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

We're not dead yet!

Well, at least our podcast isn't dead. Our listenership, on the other hand... It's like a graveyard. Without gravestones. Or graves. Or grass. :(

Anyway, I digress. We have one podcast recorded that's taken a while to edit... it'll probably be out tomorrow. And the fish of the week is going to be a few days late because of that, but hopefully it'll be recorded by tomorrow night and out on Monday.

In the meantime, here's a fun cheer that you can shout in the streets to promote the podcast:

Mr. Cuttles! Mr. Cuttles!
Four times the arms!
Four times the huggles!

I think it really brings out the friendliness of the podcast. I purposefully missed the part where the huggles would leave hundreds of circular scars... they don't need to know that, right? We should probably all come up for a cheer for Nauty too. Maybe we could rhyme it with "hotty" if it were done in a British accent? I dunno, just a thought. Email your suggestions to (plug!)

Disclaimer: Shouting this in the streets will more likely get you thrown in an asylum than get us listeners. But sacrifices must be made, for the betterment of the podcast.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cooler Than You, Fish of the Week

They're up! We've both been kinda busy this last week, so not too many shows. I'm gonna shoot for three next week, but we'll see.

To give credit where it's due, here's the page we got most of the info on the pipefish from: