Saturday, August 8, 2009

We're not dead yet!

Well, at least our podcast isn't dead. Our listenership, on the other hand... It's like a graveyard. Without gravestones. Or graves. Or grass. :(

Anyway, I digress. We have one podcast recorded that's taken a while to edit... it'll probably be out tomorrow. And the fish of the week is going to be a few days late because of that, but hopefully it'll be recorded by tomorrow night and out on Monday.

In the meantime, here's a fun cheer that you can shout in the streets to promote the podcast:

Mr. Cuttles! Mr. Cuttles!
Four times the arms!
Four times the huggles!

I think it really brings out the friendliness of the podcast. I purposefully missed the part where the huggles would leave hundreds of circular scars... they don't need to know that, right? We should probably all come up for a cheer for Nauty too. Maybe we could rhyme it with "hotty" if it were done in a British accent? I dunno, just a thought. Email your suggestions to (plug!)

Disclaimer: Shouting this in the streets will more likely get you thrown in an asylum than get us listeners. But sacrifices must be made, for the betterment of the podcast.

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